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IFS Cloud

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IFS Cloud
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Customer Relationship Management for IFS Cloud

IFS Cloud CRM Features

  • A single solution and single user interface to manage every aspect of your customer relationships — from the first point of contact, from the lead to the prospect, right through to the ongoing care of a mature customer
  • The single-user interface within the enterprise resource planning software means there’s no need for users to log into separate CRM and ERP systems to find the information they need to make the right decisions.
  • If the information is in the IFS CloudCRM solution, then it’s also in your back-office enterprise software and vice versa. Moreover, because there is no need to integrate and synchronize two separate systems, the data is up to date and accurate, so decisions made are based on the status as it is now, not what it was hours — or even days — ago.
  • Sales professionals should have the information they need in order to manage their customers and prospects. IFS Lobbies provide users with an at-a-glance view of the situation for a particular role or process, drawing their attention to key tasks and relevant information
  • The functionality makes it easy for companies to manage relationships with their own customers and prospects, follow up on leads, manage calendars and day-to-day actions, set up and coordinate marketing campaigns, as manage opportunity pipelines efficiently.

IFS Cloud ERP CRM provides business processes vital to customer relationship management. They manage the customer interaction chain from the sales lead, through the sales cycle, to the ongoing support and service of the customer. Our sales and service concept allows a business to focus on where it adds value to the customer through product, service, and support.

IFS Cloud Modules

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